Whispered Tales
Home Page

About Page


Past Events

Future Events


Welcome to Whispered Tales!

The is our first attempt at a site, so please forgive us! We are a Live Role Play club that run weekend long, interactive scenarios. We also run short one day or one night scenarios as well a low plot weekends to give our players a chance to talk things over.

Pics of our games can be found at:

http://uk.f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/garnofyarafean/my_photos  or

If you want to know more about our world of Min Hiraith or the campaign that we a running, look at the rest of the site and any questions that are left unanswered, email us at whisperedtales@hotmail.com

Upcoming Enhancements

In the near(ish) future we hope to add:

1. Heroes Gallery - pics of all our great players in the fab costumes

2. Villains Gallery - pics of all (that the players know of at least) the villains

3. Allies Gallery - pics of all the NPCs assumed to be allies

4. Downloadable players guide


Links to Other Sites